Let’s talk about the famous Bark Scorpions since it’s the summer time here in Las Vegas and it seems to be a big concern for people who are experiencing issues with this particular insect. I’m not much for blowing smoke to make me sound like I know what I’m saying so I’ll just be straight forward with what I know and experienced in the last 21 years of being an exterminator.   Facts: Bark Scorpions are venomous, nocturnal and a carnivore. 


Bark scorpions are one of the most venomous if not the most venomous scorpion in North America, but just like any venoms, the effect of the venom on any humans or pets are based on their level of allergy towards that venom. I like to compare it to a bee sting, some people get a welt that itches for a few days, some go into anaphylactic shock, also body size and weight, age and whether they have a compromised immune system plays a factor on its effect. 


Bark scorpions are nocturnal which means most of their activity happens in the cover of night and because of the layers of wax on their exoskeleton, it makes them a perfect predator in the desert environment. If you are finding scorpions in broad daylight, it’s usually a bad thing, a very bad thing. Daylight sightings of scorpions are a sign of over population. Their normal hiding places are dark areas, under rocks or boulders, debris under over grown bushes and the cinder block walls that connect one house to another in a track home community.


Bark scorpions are carnivores, top of the food chain in the insect world here in the desert in my opinion. They normally will not eat anything they do not kill. They prefer soft bodied insects such as crickets and spiders but will feed on hard shelled insects such as cockroaches. They also have been known to be cannibalistic and eat their own, though I have never experienced seeing that personally.


Treatment: identify the food source, water source, possible harborage, path of travel and point of entry. Eliminate as many of those as possible. Bark scorpion treatment must be as aggressive as possible staying within the limitations of the label of each pesticide used. Multiple active ingredients, proper placement and application of monitors and pesticides, use of multiple formulations such as dust, granules and liquid and most importantly create a landscape that is not condition conducive to harborage for scorpions.


First aid: Make sure to thoroughly clean the sting area with soap and water and keep it cool with a clean wet cloth, head to the nearest ER or quick care and receive medical attention.


I hope that this helps and answer some of your questions regarding Bark scorpions and should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at Paul’s Extermination 702-358-3204. Thank you and have a great and blessed summer.


There are many spiders in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas and Henderson areas, but 2 spiders of most concern are: Black widow and Brown Recluse. Brown Recluse:Light brown in color with marking on the top of head resembling a fiddle. Hence the nickname fiddle head spider. Its venom is quite destructive. Dark scorpions are most commonly found in SW desert. They are light brown to tan in color 2 1/2 " in length. They are poisonous but the effects of the venom differs depending on their levels of allergy from the venom. Mainly feeds on crickets and spiders due to their soft exoskeleton.


Brown Recluse:Light brown in color with marking on the top of head resembling a fiddle. Hence the nickname fiddle head spider. Its venom is quite destructive. It deteriorates the human tissue and will progress until the infected tissue is removed. Levels of reaction to the venom vary on the level of allergic reaction. The brown recluse is a small-bodied, medium-sized spider whose outstretched legs span little more than the diameter of a quarter. It is almost uniformly brown and without banded legs or other prominent markings – except for the dark violin-shaped mark on the back of the head, just behind its eyes. Unlike most spiders, the brown recluse has six eyes arranged in three pairs, instead of the usual eight. 



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The female lays approximately 300 eggs at one time and encases them in a round, cream-colored egg sac made of her silk. One spider produces several sacs within its one- to two-year lifespan, but only one sac at a time. Seldom is the spider found inside houses and black widow spiders do not aggressively hunt humans. When they bite it is to defend themselves or their eggs. The black widow venom is a nerve toxin. The initial bite may feel like a pin prick. Although bites are generally not fatal, they should be considered dangerous. 


Brown Recluse:Light brown in color with marking on the top of head resembling a fiddle. Hence the nickname fiddle head spider. Its venom is quite destructive. It deteriorates the human tissue and will progress until the infected tissue is removed. Levels of reaction to the venom vary on the level of allergic reaction. The brown recluse is a small-bodied, medium-sized spider whose outstretched legs span little more than the diameter of a quarter. It is almost uniformly brown and without banded legs or other prominent markings – except for the dark violin-shaped mark on the back of the head, just behind its eyes. Unlike most spiders, the brown recluse has six eyes arranged in three pairs, instead of the usual eight. 


Bark scorpions are most commonly found in SW desert. They are light brown to tan in color 2 1/2 " in length. They are poisonous but the effects of the venom differs depending on their levels of allergy from the venom. Mainly feeds on crickets and spiders due to their soft exoskeleton. They are nocturnal in nature(meaning they only come out at night) In order to detect them we hunt and locate them at night with a black light. The bark scorpion can be found in many places due to its ability to climb. It can be found not only under rocks, bushes or in rock crevices, but also in trees or high on rock walls. They are also commonly found inside of people's homes trapped in sinks or bathtubs, climbing walls, or in a dark closet. They are often found in shoes or clothes therefore making it a must to thoroughly shake out your shoes or pants before donning them...unless you want to suffer from a terrible, painful sting.




Upon being stung by a bark scorpion here are the most common symptoms:


Immediate intense burning pain at the site of the sting

Usually minor swelling, but always with extreme pain when the area is tapped with a finger

Pain radiating into the body, especially the armpits and groin near lymph nodes

Agitation and hypertension may lead to involuntary muscle jerking

Slurred speech, drooling, facial muscle twitching, erratic eye movement

A feeling of a swollen tongue, numbness of the skin on the face

Abdominal pain and difficulty breathing, with respiratory arrest a common cause of death, if it occurs.